9 Month Update
Weight: 19 lbs. 39% percentile
Head Circumference: 60% percentile
Feeding: 3 meals a day, water whenever he can, 20-30 oz. of formula.Naps: 1.5 hour morning nap, 45 minute nap in the afternoon.
Bedtime: 7-8.
Clothing: Ranges between 6 month - 12 month, depending upon brand.
Sleeping: Some nights Eli sleeps amazing and I am the happiest mom on the earth! However, that percentage is low, as in about 30-40%, which sucks. Those other nights he wakes up 2-5 times! In other words a ridiculous amount and I have already talked about the fact that I am no good when I don't get sleep. I know that I need to start sleep training him through the night, but I don't have the drive to do it yet. It's going to be about a week of sleepless nights and since our house is small with wood floors that echo, its going to be sleepless nights for both Kenny and I. Once we get back from Redding, we are going to push him to stay asleep through the night.
Eating: This kid loves to eat ALL THE TIME. I think feeding Eli is my favorite activity of the day. He not only devours anything put in front of him, but once he is finished and the tray is removed, eats all the food stuck to his tummy. In honor of full disclosure, he also scavenges the floor for food once he is down from his high chair. I blame the fact that he watches Cole do it all the time. Eli's favorite foods are blueberries, oranges, chicken noodle soup, scrambled eggs, pumpkin puree, broccoli, peanut butter toast. He is great at feeding himself with a spoon and using a sippy cup. He also loves to drink water with an intense passion, from his cups, your cups, the bath, a sink faucet… dog's water dish.
Development: Eli grew by giant strides this month. He has started babbling a ton, and even said "mama," however I'm fairly certain that he has no concept of what it means. He loves to pull himself up on anything and walks all along the couch, chasing the dog. He also crawls so fast and loves to play peek-a-boo. Eli also listens when we say no! I know that at some point he will be a disobedient little devil, but as of right now I'm loving that I'm the boss. Another big development is 4 new teeth!
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: tearing DVDs off of the tv stand, playing with the vacuum, playing with the cable box- he has recorded the most random shows, being naked, reading- especially his peek-a-boo books, playing with our mouths, rough housing- pillow fights, tossed in the air, spun around, wrestling with Sam, getting ready with me, playing with water, watching Kenny play guitar.
Dislikes: diaper changes or getting dressed- unless we read to him while doing it, not getting food fast enough, not being allowed to eat dog food- Eli races to the dog food, our hands in his mouth- can't stand have his new teeth messed with.
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