As many of you know, Kenny and I differ quite a bit. A couple of things brought up with pregnancy have been finding out the sex of the baby and cloth diapers. I tend to gravitate toward the granola side of things and have had my heart set on cloth diapers since I attended an environmental event at Chico. The majority of people think I'm crazy for a multitude of reasons; but I say something that is better for baby, less expensive and helps to potty train sounds brilliant- even without the loading up the landfill bit. Anyway because of all the differences between the two of us, we have become wonderful at compromise. I get my way about 93% percent of the time, perfect statistics in my mind. However with some things he won't budge and those mentioned above were two of them. So we made a deal, I won't even mess around with a coin flip if he would agree to cloth diapers- deal has been made and tomorrow is the big day. So now is the time for everyone else to participate. Kenny and I both have no inclination as to what we are having. I always thought at least one of us would feel one way or the other, but so far total split. I'll lay out the facts (old wives tales) and let everyone make their best guess.
Cravings: more chips and crackers (however if milk and cookies and ice cream didn't make me sick, I feel like this would be different) = boy
Skin issues: better better better and then crappy = split, girls are supposed to "steal your beauty"
Carrying: I think it's low, but it's a small bump = boy
String test: back and forth = girl
Heart rate: above 140 bpm = girl
Mayan gender predictor/Chinese calendar = boy
Morning sickness: hardly any = boy
Truth be told, I feel more prepared for a girl. You see, Kenny and I have had it predicted for us that we were going to end up with all girls ever since we were about 18. I've only thought we will have girls, now that it's actually time to have a baby, I'm terrified that I'm not at all prepared to parent a boy. Luckily I have about million little brothers that I loved helping to parent (boss around) so I'm sure I'll be able to glean some knowledge from my childhood. I would love to hear what everyone else thinks Cletus the fetus is going to be. Also if anyone has some tips and advice for cloth diapers, please share the wealth!
20 weeks, 4 days
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