I really did write this up, when he turned 2 months old, but I'm super slow at getting it on here, oops!
Weight: 11.5 lbs (33%)
Length: 22.75 inches (33%)
Head Circumference: 15.75 inches (75%)
he got his papa's head
Naps: Eli still struggles with daytime naps and we have had family in town the past week so scheduling has been all over the place, really hoping that we get him on a solid nap schedule during the next month.
Feeding: he's an eater! As evidenced by him growing so chubby.
Bedtime: 7:30-8:30
Sleeping: I would say that about 60-70% of the time we are getting that amazing 7-8 hour stretch of sleep from him. I realize that I'm completely blessed that he sleeps so well, but I'm so spoiled that the night he wakes every 3 hours kill me.
Development: where to begin? Eli has been changing so much! He is smiling, making little noises with his mouth. He holds his head up like a champ and stands on our laps. He likes to be held either facing out or over the shoulder enough that he can see what is going on. He has started to notice the animals and really likes it when the cats pet themselves on his feet. It has been amazing to see all of these changes. Eli is so strong, I think we may have an early walker on our hands!

New this month: Eli went to the zoo and -big news- had his first overnight trip! He stayed with my parents and we had a glorious night of sleep. It was much needed after a couple nights of his every 3 hour wake ups. Eli also got to meet some of his great grandparents this month and start going for runs.
Mommy/daddy update: We are loving that Eli is so loved on and have a had a great time getting to see Eli interact with all his family. Between family being in town and working more than usual, Kenny and I haven't gotten to see him as much, but we don't mind the break :). Basically life is a good, busy mess and we couldn't be happier.
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