I know its a little late, 5 days late to be exact, but I've never been too punctual or good with dates. I'm the girl that has talked to a family member on their birthday, blathering on and on about a gift for a different family member to commemorate a different holiday, only to hang up the phone and remember that it was their birthday. And technically we didn't celebrate Valentine's Day until the 15th anyway, 4 days late is basically on time.
I would like to celebrate this ridiculous holiday, that I believe is the cheesiest, silliest holiday (and therefore should be celebrated in that manner) by writing a tribute to my Valentine. Showing the world why he has been my Valentine for 10 years and counting. I hope you enjoy the
10 reasons why he is my Valentine:
(speaking of which, I was thinking of this while I was in the shower where I do most of my "big" thinking and would like to just add an eleventh reason: He lets me have the hot water. Whether this is a survival skill he has mastered or a way he shows me his love, I'll let you be the judge.)
1. My husband leans a bit more to the Republic side of things; he is a gun-toting, small government-believing, tea party-leaning man. Luckily for me he has enough bleeding heart liberal in him to allow us to watch a Michael Moore documentary. As if that weren't enough, he then politely and intelligently will debate politics, religion and hot-button issues with me. Then he tells me I'm spicy, even though all he's ever wanted was somebody that is sweet. I take this as a huge compliment.
2. He let me get these:

And the couch they're sitting on.
And the house that we live in.
And those pesky kitties that won't sit still for the camera.
He lets me get my way a lot.
3. He said I believe in you. I will wade through the stress and the struggle of making your bakery a reality and a success. I stand with you.
4. His hands can sharpen a knife to factory sharpness, steam milk better than any other barista to date, massage away stress and melt away headaches. They have giant palms and calluses from golf and music; they are perfect.
5. He has started hanging up his towel.
This is a big one.
I have a man that will not only listen to me, but will try his hardest to make my life easier, even if it means fighting his natural instinct to throw it on the floor.
6. When I fall apart because I put far too much pressure on myself, he makes me take a day off, he forces me to sit and read a book, or take a nap or watch mindless tv. He is my place of rest and comfort.
7. He encourages my friendships. When we first got married my greatest friend came to visit from Sacramento, he offered to sleep on the couch so that we could have a sleepover like we had done anytime we had spent the night together. (Just a quick note, she slept in the guest room)
8. He makes me laugh. Life is hard, find someone that makes you laugh. Enough said.
9. As much as he says I broaden his horizons, he has broadened mine. I have learned who Jimmy Hendrix is, what an exhaust does on a motorcycle, and that sometimes you need to take time to relax. He understands my need for constant change and difference and works with it, not an easy task.
10. "I still love you" written on my windshield when we were 16, shown to me daily in his simple, loyal and loving presence.
I'm crying. I love you guys. You give me faith in what real, true, authentic love can look like.