Monday, November 10, 2014

Musings on Motherhood Part 3

Musings on Motherhood: Part 3

While cleaning Eli's diapers, I came to the realization that if we have the three children I want, I will spend 7 years cleaning cloth diapers. 
        On a related note, that means that if we stick with cloth diapers, we will save about $3000!

Also, if we have three children according to the timeline I have in mind, I will pregnant for a portion of the year, for the next 5 years.

I resist the urge to drop Eli off at daycare because sometimes I just want to sit at home.

Eli crawled off the bed when I had him… He crawled off the couch with Kenny, so at least we are equal with our negligence.

Feeding Eli is my favorite time each day; he shares with the dog and as soon as you take the tray off the high chair, he starts eating food off his belly, so cute and disgusting all at the same time.

Eli and I now share showers instead of baths because he became way too fascinated with my c section scar- things were getting awkward.

I have to resist the urge to worry about Eli's language development, physically Eli is doing really well, but language wise, he doesn't even try to pronounce words.  In other words, right on target for a boy.

Baby led weaning is the best way to consistently eat healthy due to not having time to make separate meals and wanting Eli to eat a strong base of fruits and vegetables.  That's been the real trick to losing the "baby weight."

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

7 Month Pictorial Update

7 Month Pictorial Update

We spent lots of time outside trying to soak up as much sunshine as possible before our freezing cold Idaho winter starts.

Kenny asked Eli if he was ready to go see a movie…
He was perfection and slept through the whole thing, right up until the credits rolled na she burst into tears.

Family sushi dates

Boy loves to stand- ALL THE TIME.  Thankfully he is getting much more stable and doesn't have quite so many head bonks.

Best way to cheer this kid up? Place him on the ledge of the sink and let him turn on the faucets.

6 Month Pictorial Update

6 Month Pictorial Update

Kenny went on a motorcycle trip to Banff with a bunch of his buddies; and rather than spend 5 days parenting on my own, my best friend Sara brought up her two kiddos!
It was so much fun going to the splash pad, the zoo and just getting to visit and catch up with one of my most favorite people.

Family Fair Time

The cats have been one of the best crawling motivators.

Everybody's favorite brunch date.

Eli has the best surprised face whenever he wakes up in his carseat in a different location.