Only, now, work may not be what I wanted. I've noticed this past year and a half, a big change crashing down on my idea of ideal. The art of homemaking is a job in and of itself. How many people sew, knit, can, garden, cook, clean? I'll be honest, the only thing on that list that I can do well is cook, but I can learn to do the others. I've decided that Kim was right, homemaking is my calling. To knit scarves and mitten for my family to wear, keep and clean an inviting home for them to retire to at the days end, make them food in the garden and then prepare it, these are my new ideal.
However, putting away that workaholic self won't be easy and to be honest, would be denying a large part of myself. Which is where the bakery comes in. Kenny and I have big dreams for the bakery, we want it to turn into a small company, as in four employees small. I need to have work, need to have that making money successful part of my life, I'm just looking forward to the options in homemaking that it will open up for me. New goal for the bakery? 1000 cookie of the month club members. Big giant number yes, but a number that we could still do in our own little bakery (with an oven and mixer upgrade). As the bakery starts to pick up, therefore allowing me to be home more often, hopefully in January, be on the lookout for new adventures in what homemaking means for our little home.