Thursday, September 18, 2014

5 Month Pictorial Update

Meeting Aunt Carley's bulldog, Charlie

Getting in on the selfie game

Trying the banana part of a chocolate covered banana at a street fair, and rocking a baby sling because I love feeling like a hippie earth mama.

So much animal love, hoping to raise a zookeeper so that I can hang with elephant all day.

4 Month Pictorial Update

Skinny little chicken legs

Treasured date night

Meeting Uncle Ant for the first time

First real time swimming (Photos courtesy of Papou)

This little man decided sleeping out of town was not an option so he ended up on the floor during card games...

and upstairs with the dog and I while papa got some sleep

We also broke out his exersaucer just before he turned 4 months old

Flatbread, where he discovered a love for pizza crust and I discovered that he will take after me in some small way.

Guys this boy loves his dad with such an insane adoration, my hearts melts.