Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Welcoming Baby Eli

-Settle in, this is a long post, with many gratuitous baby photos

We are officially welcoming to the world Eli Bradley Platt, 7lb 8.2oz 21.5 inches February 17, 9:16pm.

     Most of you know that I had a challenging birth that went the complete opposite of my birth plan, but that post is for another day. Today, today is for celebrating. This whole month, year, lifetime is for celebrating. I'm so overjoyed with this life I'm living.  Kenny and I had talked so often about having children and the timing was never right. Turns out God's timing was perfect, because this little surprise has brought so much to our lives, I can't imagine what we were spending our time on before him. We have been so lucky to be enveloped in friends and family that were supporting us, praying for us and guiding us during this time. Now that Eli is here, it feels so normal, so right. I was terrified that I wouldn't bond with him, that I would love my animals more. The first night, I couldn't sleep because I just wanted to get to know him. I wanted this sweet baby to wake up just so that I could tell him how much I love him and shower him with kisses. I'm so happy those fears were completely unfounded.

     Now let's get everyone caught up on Eli. Where do I start? Obviously he is the smartest, most beautiful, happy, strong, best baby anyone has laid eyes on :).  Truthfully, Eli is a very curious baby, he loves to look at new things and makes the most adorable little "o" mouth with these wide eyes.

He makes his sweet little "o" mouth face towards the very end and its my most favorite thing he does.

      He is an eater like no other, which is perfect because everyone loves a chunky babe. He was a pretty great sleeper and then realized that the world was a little too interesting to sleep through, so daytime sleep is a bit of a battle right now. He looks just like his dad, so far the only thing this kid has gotten from me is giant hands. He's calmed by running water, maybe this boy will take after me and be a water baby. Our furbabies are adjusting quite well to our new baby. Cole is playing the part of protective big brother, checking on Eli every time he fusses. The cats are playing the part of injured middle children and ignoring the baby. A note for all the prospective moms out there, I did a lot of research on EVERYTHING baby related before this little guy got here and while it's been nice to know that after days of elation the lack of sleep will set in and you'll cry; I found that much of my research sets you up for something much worse than what has actually happened. Breast feeding has not been the incredibly arduous journey I was expecting. Recovering from a cesarean, not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

Mama's ginormous gift                Check out the belly button!
Celebrating our every milestone, clearly first time parents.

     We finally got Eli's room finished, minus a lamp. I already feel bad for my subsequent children, this room is all custom. From the floor that my family and Kenny worked on to the crib my step dad built to the giraffe painting my mother in law did, to the cushions my mom sewed; everything has a handmade touch to it. We are so happy with how it turned out. The room was looking a little austere for awhile, but the rug really warmed everything up and now it's perfect.

        A quick note about thank you cards. Since I was taking so long to send them out, I decided to wait till after his birth when I can include a sweet little photo. I wasn't expecting this guy to stay in for an extra 11 days and now all the cards are way late. Rest assured, you'll be getting thank you cards (with a photo!) which is way better than a boring card anyway!

Melt my heart...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Week 41

Due date: um... a week ago!
How far along: 41 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 38 lbs.... 
Stretch marks: none so far, but I think I'm putting my skin to the limit.
Sleep: After seeing my midwives on Monday and discussing my lack of sleep they offered me ambien and talked about therapeutic rest.  However, since I'm a crazy scatterbrain, I lost the ambient, but have been able to sleep at night anyway.  Apparently my body just needs the threat of medication to start working properly.  Soon, I'm going to start threatening pitocin hoping labor will start up!
Best moment this week: We now have lots of family here and more is coming in tonight.  I feel bad that everyone is here, just waiting for Eli to make his big debut, but it's been wonderful getting to see and spend time with everyone.  Eli's room is almost completely done and I will post pictures as soon as the cushions get recovered for the glider. 
Miss anything?   Aside from being little? :) I'm already starting to miss work.  I'm sure once I have a new little baby in my arms, work will be the farthest thing from my mind, but while I wait, I could use the distraction. 
Movement:  He's still moving around in there, happy as a clam!
Food cravings: I finally started using almond milk with cereal and am SO HAPPY!! Its not great for dipping cookies in, but I'll take a dairy likeness any way I can get it!
Anything causing queasiness: Lactose
Started showing:  I'm ginormous, everywhere I go people ask me not to allow my water to break in their store/restaurant/etc.
Gender: boy
Looking forward to: Being done being pregnant.  Pregnancy is crazy amazing and this miraculous thing that your body goes through is such a gift.  However, I'm sure any pregnant woman will tell you that they are done being pregnant at 39 weeks, unfortunately, babies like being fed round the clock and staying all snug and warm in the womb, crazy kids!
Pains:  I've been "borrowing" the hotel pools of of our parents and that makes me feel wonderful, so pain is at a minimum.  

Random musings at week 41:
We are ready to meet our baby! We are "ready" to start this new chapter of our lives.  Ready is an interesting word, there is really no such thing as ready.  How do you prepare for your life to change completely and be turned upside down?  I think at this point the waiting is whats killing me the most.  I have enough time to wonder if I can handle this new role, enough time to wonder just how painful birth really is, time to doubt myself.  Kenny has been this insane pillar of strength and stability, reassuring me that I will deliver amazingly and that this is the role I was born to play.  How people get through pregnancy without a supportive partner is unfathomable to me.  
Also, just to assure everyone, yes we are doing all the tricks to get labor started.  If you're somewhat familiar with Kenny or I, you may be aware of just how stubborn our child is obviously growing to be. I promise, we will get everyone updated as soon as Eli gets here!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Week 40

Week 37

Week 38

Week 39

You should all know how much I love you and want to keep you updated, based on the fact that I am willing to post these exhausted looking, large late pregnancy photos; don't even try to argue otherwise :)

Due date: Today!
How far along: 40 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 36 lbs!! Whoa golly!
Stretch marks: none! Yay yay yay!
Sleep: better, I wake up about four times a night, with a weird insomnia thing between 4 and 7, but the sleep that I am getting is glorious. The only time it's been really rough is when I have Braxton hicks keeping me up with false hope that this babe will be here soon!
Best moment this week: we have family here! Kenny's parents have been out here for a week and we have gotten the house cleaned and the baby's room set up. Feels so nice to have stuff done and just be ready for baby. 
Miss anything?   The only thing I'm really missing is not having to lug my gigantic body around. I'm big folks and being big is less than comfortable.
Movement: he is still moving quite a bit.  He has started to get a little aggressive in his movement, hopefully starting to make his way out!!
Food cravings: dairy! I just want milk and cereal and ice cream and whenever I give in, my stomach is in knots.
Anything causing queasiness: Dairy
Started showing:  so much, so big.
Gender: boy
Looking forward to: Meeting this child! As much as I want him out of me and into the world, it's mainly about how much I want to know him.  I have no guesses as to who he will look like or what he will be like and I juts can't wait to find out.  Its like having a pen pal ad finally meeting them, I feel like I know him already and yet there is so much to be discovered.
Pains:  I started my maternity leave on Saturday and it's amazing how much less pain I'm when I'm not carrying plates and trays and 30 extra pounds on concrete floors for 5 hours at a time!

We are so very very excited to start this new journey.  Everything still feels surreal and somewhat far away.  I'm just existing in this haze and trying to soak it all in.  Kenny and I have talked about how it sounds so normal to say the baby is coming soon, or even Eli will be here soon; but transitioning to our son is still super bizarre.  The ownership and care of another life is a slightly daunting role, but we feel as ready as can be.  Thank you everyone for all your prayers, gifts, blessing and support.  I feel competely confidant is saying that we would be utterly lost without you.  Now we are just hoping that baby Eli will take after his dad and be here near his due date.  I feel as though the longer I sit here with time to think about natural birth, the more anxious I will get :)